an extra long comment that could only fit as a blog entry

11:46 am / Posted by lhf /

That post and subsequent comment really got to me. So much so that I’ve been restlessly pacing around the house with my normally empty head in overdrive. First thing on my mind right now, being the cynic that I am, I guess I always assumed the only reason why you would not face up to an affair is because you are afraid to lose her. Thus I have always classified people like this as quivering little pussies. Guess I never thought maybe the reason you wouldn’t spill it is because you’re genuinely afraid of hurting her regardless of what might happen to you.

Another thing, the ideals you so believed in when you were younger all begin to unravel as you grow older; true friends will last forever, inconsequent of distance and time; love is all you need to sustain a healthy relationship; ……………………………..……………..uhh ok I guess I have less ideals than I would’ve hoped. LoL! But my final and untainted ideal, you wouldn’t do anything to hurt someone you really care about is wavering as well.

That said I’m still sticking to my principle of facing up to it. I mean if you fuck up at least have the balls to prepare to get fucked over. I know if I were the one cheated on I’d rather find out sooner than later. Don’t think any good can come out of keeping a secret as dark as that. I mean if the relationship is by any means a meaningful one an affair is a sign that there’s something going terribly wrong and it’s probably time to reflect on what and where exactly things took a turn for the worse.

Anyway that isn’t really my point. I tend to get carried away. The thing that really burns me is the fact that this happens to the best of people. In fact from experience it seems to only happen to people that seriously, seriously don’t deserve it. It’s one thing if it happened to someone who warrants such treatment due to lack of commitment, a small penis etcetc but its FUCKING RETARDED to happen to someone who totally gives everything into the relationship. Not an ounce of ‘hmm if I do this it might place me in a position where I could come off worse. That’s no good…’ Yeah and this is how fuckers like me keep from getting too involved. To solidify my point it has never happened to me before.

Not really related to the subject, but I always felt ‘things happen for a reason’ is total bull. Give me a fucking break. Fate isn’t predetermined. She didn’t leave you because you were meant to find your true soulmate or some cowshit like that. It’s just a way for people to console themselves and inject some sort of deluded optimism so they won’t kick the bucket and do a superman off the 13th floor. Ok… a bit overboard… I guess anything that gives people hope can’t really be all bad.

Urgh seriously contemplating whether or not to post this and ruin my whole ice-cool image. Oh well….even jerks have views too



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