It’s super blog saver hf to the rescue with his Intermediate Life Support skills to resuscitate the blog. Got to fill out some job applications so...naturally must find ways to procrastinate. Don’t worry lah I think this blog will be receiving twice daily updates next year around Feb. So I’m doing Dermatology now and my reg diagnosed me with psoriasis. For non medics it’s a condition that looks like this.
I got a bit worried so I got a second opinion from my consultant who said it looked more like eczema but it might well be mild psoriasis. Later that day, bumped into Van who looked at it long and hard and said ‘looks more like psoriasis leh.’ The lesion was on my butt btw. Sigh so after manymany years....and mindful of all the stick I’ve given my friends about using girly products, I..bought...moisturizer... It was a sad day where I abandoned all my principles but fucklah I had to know whether I had eczema or psoriasis! Anyway couple days later the erythematous areas on my elbows have gone and I’m cool cause I don’t have psoriasis.
Hahah anyway the good thing that came out from all of this is that I did reading on psoriasis and eczema on my own time and I’m cool cause I’m hardworking. Did you know...atopics: eczema, asthma, hayfever - I have all three =/ have an autosomal dominant disorder that affects the stuff that cements the cells of our skin together. So basically we have trouble retaining moisture and are more exposed to irritants. Anyway explains my facedruff after showering. See...I didn’t abandon my principles so easily okay...for 1 billion years, after I shower my face peels and if I brush my hand against my cheeks it flakes off like snow. I named it facedruff and it should be a medical condition. Or I should follow the trend of those sadistic medical assholes and name it zerutiopslkjheu ibuuyuhjuosmwne condition and force all medical students to memorize it and die in gleeful satisfaction knowing after I’m long dead, generations of noobs are suffering because of me.
Ok hungry liaw...oh before I go watch this video. Nicked it off a kch fler’s blog. Maybe kuching people really do have some affinity towards cats.
It's quite touching la
the first thing you give psoriasis also moisturizer isn't it? haha. you might still have mild psoriasis
yeah but it doesnt totally resolve so quickly with just moisturizer though right? since the physiology of psoriasis isnt just really dry skin but an increase rate of cell turnover
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