Updates from Perth! =)

6:50 pm / Posted by Stephanie / comments (0)

Hello ppl.....=) hahaha....I just realised the last time I updated something was in like Oct last year....hahaha.....super lazy.....=P hahaha....Well since I'm lazy to type up my report I tot I would kecoh for a while.....hahaha =)

Well.....since coming back to Perth we have endured the terrible hot hot summer.....41 degrees!! crazyy....so all we try to do is hide inside with the aircon....haha....Well.....here is some outdated pics....hahahhaha

For Australia day as an IMU tradition we brought the juniors to Matilda bay to watch the fireworks just like how we were brought there last year....=) We have 5 juniors this year....Alvin, Wai San, Chi Chuan, Irene and Daphne.

Here is a pic while we were there....So its Ken Rhe, Eliane (She's from St Cats), Eve, Me, Chi Chuan and Nadia =)

Tim, me and Sue Yin.....=)

Our juniors.....Daphne was missing.....=P I think she had something else to do or something.... I don't know..... So its Irene, Chi Chuan, Wai San and Alvin =)

While waiting for the fireworks.....some guy came around asking for some donations and he was going to give us some golden pins.....but we saw him giving all the little kids tatoos.....so we told him we wanted them too!! hahaha......See how patriotic Tim is.....he has the Aussie flag on his leg.....hahaha....=)

A group pic....was supposed to be an IMU pic lar.....but ppl just butted in....hahaha.... So the extras are Jesse, Brendon and Tun =) I was lazy to take pics of the fireworks lar.....the pics dun even come out very nice.....ahahhaa =)

On the 1st day of CNY we decided to have a steamboat at home....and being CNY we wanted to have a yee sang.....and we were all lazy to prepare it so we went to buy one....ahaha =) it was worth it though....yumyy....=)

Our food...=) we ate non stop that night.....hahaha.....=P but it was super good.....=)

It was Li Fung, Paige, Eliane, Sue yin, Aaron and me =) After taking the pic we realised we were all wearing different coloured shirts hahaha.....=)

Happy Tim and Paige!! Paige was educated on the chinese culture that night....hhehehe she was soo cute and amused....she went home to tell her mum that she was cultured.....hahahaha =)

Tim had stuff to do earlier so he only joined us later........and we made him eat equally as much....hahaha....=) Aaron looks like the Ah Kong in the pic.....hahahahhaa

Okay....so I know its like in the CNY period but Tim wanted to do a "Pseudo Xmas" for us..... cuz he did this really yummy glazed ham for christmas and he wanted us to try it...I've been hearing bout this ham via facebook since december.....hahaha...so since we had some free time on the 2nd day of CNY we had Pseudo Xmas.....hahahahaha......and being CNY we had yee sang.....so this is yee sang no.2....Tim's mum made it !! =)

Tim the master chef cutting his yummy ham....

Look at Tim's yummy glazed ham with all the nuts on top.....it was soo yummy......hehehe.... making me feel hungry again....hahahaha.....

Just before we called it a night after educating Mel on how to play Mahjong.......Me, Sue Yin and Mel (Sue Yin's new housemate) and Tim making a funny face...hahahaa....

We had an IMU CNY gathering on the 3rd day of CNY =) cuz everyone was busy with classes and hospital....=P Evelyn organised for everyone to go to a chinese restaurant in Northbridge =)
They even had lion dances there =P but I was lazy to take a picture....=) And we actually had a 3rd yee sang that night but we were too hungry so we just dug in and ate it all.....hahahaha =)

Here's Sue Yin, Li Fung, Eliane and Me ! =)

And yes....we fed our juniors well...hahaha....Alvin and Wai San happily eating away....=)

Me, Tim and Hendrick...hahaha......Nice expression Tim....hahaha =)

Eliane, Li Fung and me =)

A group photo of everyone at the dinner....=)

Haha....Amelia.....u see ur kor kor....hahaha....=) soo happy =P hahaha.....

Well till I get more pics or interesting news.....Amelia faster come visit me in Perth lar.......u can come stay with me!! hahahaha =) It'll be fun.....we can bully ur kor kor!! hahahaha =)

Take care guys!!!

Updates from Newcastle

8:19 pm / Posted by gowri / comments (0)

Helllooooo people! Yes I have not dissappeared off the face of the earth...just been stuck in the ulu place that is Newcastle for the past month now:P Ahhhh what have I been doing you ask? Nothing really..going to hosp, coming back from hosp and preparing for hosp the next day..so sad:(
hehe anyways this year Su Yen and I moved off campus and are now living in this house on Sunset Boulevard(damn cool right the name...i feel special:P) Anyways we took a while to adjust to the house and lets just to say I must have angered some insect God at some point in my life because all the cursed creepy crawlies have decided to come live with me this year..let me just outline the "housemates" I have (or should say had cos we got rid of them one way or the other)

1. Wasps
Yes we had a little wasp hive near our laundry room...our laundry room was in pretty bad shape so we decided to clean it up a bit..its downstairs kinda under the house so there was a lot of leaves and all..there was also a very colourful spider on one of the windows near the laundry room..I asked my landlord to get rid of it(and i meant get some pro ppl to come in) but he voluntereed pretty readily to kill it himself which he did:D

2. Cockroaches
Eeeeeeeee got so many ok!everyday we are killing a few...lucky they are mainly the small small ones..but yesterday and today i happened to find the big ones in my room!!!needless to say that i sprayed enough mortein to kill even myself if i had hung around my room right after my spraying:P

Yes you read right...let me outline the scenario for u..there i was ready to have my shower(after checking the bathroom for nasty creepy crawlies of course) i stepped into my shower and was all ready to get my shampoo..when *shock & horror* the little beastly slug was on my shampoo bottle!!!!!!!now the old gowri would have run out screaming right away but the new and improved gowri stole su yens shampoo and shower gel *sorry su yen:P* and finished my shower in less than 10 mins! Su yen of course came and got rid of it for me:D

4. Spiders
Of course I had to save the best for the last...yes spiders..i hate it when ppl say ur in Aus, get used to them..well sorry i will never get used to them...my new house has a lot of trees and there are quite a few of them hanging around the garden..at first they kinda freaked me out but now i dont really care...as long as they dont enter the house..which brings me to my next story...A MASSIVE SPIDER was just above su yens room the other day..when i saw it i just froze in my tracks!i was terrified..and as usual su yen was as calm as ever..she actually asked me calmly how we were gonna get rid of it..we couldnt do anything about it cos we had to leave for the hosp..all day i was thinking about it..hoping that it wouldnt move..luckily when i got home my other housemates had caught it and were gonna get rid of it..i was a little relieved to find out that it wasnt poisonous..but still traumatising:S will put up a pic after this:D

Ok not that many insects I guess..but its not that bad(in case you guys are thinking of visiting:P) Its just the city girl in me talking..hehe ok la we havent been THAT boring..we went out last night for a med function..got to meet all the imu juniors and bercantik!!YAAAY so happy:P minumed a little and got very dizzy but thats about it..had to come back early cos we have hospital early today..sigh..ok pic time!!
our spider..eeeeeeee so big:(
IMU ppl!!oh except the girl on the far left...so its hazel(non IMU girl),lay ping,su yen, jaimee,gek tin and me (hope i spelt everything right:D) Dunno where alvin went...
There we go...thats alvin:D

Okla getting malas already...hehe gotta wake up early tom..sigh so sad:( missing you guys heaps!!!take care and hopefully everyone keeps blogging!! *hugs*

Manchester United transfer target

5:18 pm / Posted by lhf / comments (0)

You know youve been watching too much football if your first reaction to this is...shit, what a strike. yeah nice titties too.


This is so random but..

8:25 pm / Posted by Van Ren / comments (0)

E bay is such a harsh place..

Am i the only person this has happened to?

5 days ago, i went on ebay just to 'look' around while waiting for my dinner to cook. Everything was waaay boring, broken, ugly, used, not-worth-it, disgusting, expensive.. (ah, you get the picture..) till i chanced upon this piece of clothing.. am not going to reveal what it is.. (i don't want to be judged, in case i have poor dressing sense!) Anyhoo, i fell in love with it the minute i saw it.. it was almost love at first sight!

Everyday upon returning home from the hospital i would diligently log onto ebay to make sure no one has bid on the item.

i even made sure i caught a glimpse of it before i switch my computer off everyday..

Yes, i was quite obsessive.. hehe..

Yesterday was when the bidding was supposed to end. No one had bid on it so i was convinced it was MINE! i made my bid 1 minute before it ended and waited for it to end.

At the very last second, this b**** outbid me by 50p.. bloody hell...


"agsjrjvitnnwreojicjeirose;nvo;ni;rhohvfdnjg;enio;vhciob jrkslbuvfilbx vkbl xjdrkflusirgufldguklbvuirshturilsvhufixlbvurslburilaugdhaudfonvuklbfruelbvuflzbruklvufkzlb sfbvruzlgurg" was not just how i felt.. it was exactly how i felt.. Zzzzzz..

it's so unfair.. how can she do such a thing.. grr...as u can see, i'm such a noob at 'sniping' for items on ebay..

i know this post is random, unnecessary and u probably just wasted 2 minutes of your life reading it.. haha.. but i just needed to vent.. and i decided this blog could do with some nonsense..

Hahaha.. i made it sound so serious initially.. haha.. As if i was tricked into giving away all my money

or worst, my car.. sigh, i miss my car..

Anyway, the lesson here today is.. to always make a bid slightly higher than your original bid just before the item ends.. things on ebay are quite cheap anyway, so paying as extra dollar might just get u that item..

How far are you willing to live your dream?

9:49 am / Posted by lhf / comments (0)

Love this animation. Most viewed vid under arts and animation. Exams make me emo. Or maybe im slowly turning gay with the distinct lack of hot chicks in my vicinity. My theory is a huge meteor hit earth and killed all the hot girls in leicester along with the dinosaurs.

I'm going to be a pro blogger and earn money blogging. *checks ratings* ok nevermind sometime in the far future im going to be a pro blogger and earn money blogging. Happy Valentine's Day peeps!! v.day was like totally awesome possum this year man! started of with a bang. had to go for an early X-ray meeting where i got a mini orgasm presenting the x-rays to my consultant. then slogged through the day and had a candlelight dinner later that evening. by myself. without candles. actually it was indomee. im kool.


Origins of Love

6:10 am / Posted by lhf / comments (0)

Sigh I see some of you are in dire need of an education concerning women. as you can see in the chatterbox people are questioning my theories on choosing a girl based on her derriere. so let me give u history lesson. Long ago after the act of clouting a chick over her head and dragging her limp body back to your cave was outlawed (sadly), and the art of courtship became increasing popular..women needed a way to express their love for their other half. You see they couldnt begin to describe where this sweet, overwhelming feeling from within came from. So they decided to call that place the 'heart'. Obviously they didnt have marieb at the time so they didnt know what the heart was actually quite ugly but its ok cos people back in the day were stupid. so think about it....why do you think the heart is shaped like this?

Yala i failed art in primary school. piss off. Anyway fast forwarding back to the present, this is why i consider it the gesture of utmost devotion when a girl tells me 'I'll give you my ass if you tell me you love me'. cos i know that she truly understands and appreciates where the origins of love come from. Aiya losing interest in this. To end this extremely bo liao blog entry, based on my mini-lecture can you spot the girl with the best personality in this photo?



G'day mate! =)

6:56 pm / Posted by jebb @ lil' quiet / comments (0)

Okie okie, time for me to revive the blog!! Yes, i've left the land of lahs-mahs-and-ahs and am bk in good ol' Adelaide! Nothing really exciting happened since i touched down 2 wks ago.. Moved into The Village..Omgness, i had so so so much stuff to move and needed more than 10 gigantic luggage bags!! Thank goodness Christine borrowed a van to help transport everything!! So yeah, i'm officially a villager now... =) Okies i know it sounds unglam, but The Village is a super nice place ok, go google! I have 3 other housemates, 2 fr Msia n 1 fr Canberra.. Didn't really hav much time to berkecoh yet, but we have a shopping date coming up soon...so yeah, will update then!! Hmm, not much of a CNY atmosphere here at all, without all the DONG CHIANG DONG CHIANG songs and seeing red wherever you go, mayb except for the weather..but it has been pretty chilly for the past couple of wks.. The highlight of our CNY celeb was during CNY eve where we went out for a nice chinese banquet with the IMU juniors (there are 10 of them!) and some seniors.. Then we had a party on sat.. Tats bout it, nothing fancy but definitely beats the pathetic CNY we had last yr...

Doin ENT & facial plastics at the mo.. I absolutely love love love it!! (okies i better pass my quiz this friday!) =) Everyone is extremely nice n helpful n so eager to teach!! ENT definitely tops my list as to which training program to get in to.. It fullfills all my criterias, its part of surg, has a tad bit of med, has more patient contact compared to other surg specialties and most importantly, it deals with heaps of kids!!! =)

Okies, enough of nerdy med stuff, time for some pichas!!!! =)

CNY dinner@ chinatown
Christine aka stepford wife made these yummy cupcakes!!
Went bk to The Village for a game of Taboo!! Hilarous!! =) These ppl can just come up with the funniest answers ever!! =) (The juniors are all staying in The Village!)
CNY party!! Steph, me & Shiau Cern were incharge of deco!! Obviously we did an awesome job!! yoyo!! with Chuen..Okies, if u look close enough, we actually handmade all the decos, including the chinese characters and dragons!! I know, hebat rite!! =) Door gifts!! =)
Food, glorious foooooood!! Michelle, our chef of the day prepared these yummy food all by herself (with some help from others)!!! Respect!! The feast includes funky dishes like Mongolian lamb (?!) ,sweet and sour fish, vineger pork, yu sang, etc.. and desserts too!!! Sarah, Lilian, Winnie, Jasmine, Su Yin, Steph, Chuen + Me & chef of the day Shiau Cern, Me, Chuen With Jenna
The crowd
Tat Ren, Jenna, Steph, Me, Ken, Amanda, Leng Hui n Xian Nian
Tossing yu sang! Jenna was like "Hmm, isn't it wasteful to juz toss the food around?" Hahaha, they actually thought they have to toss it out of the bowl!

With the super super IMU seniors!! Oh oh, did i tell u guys, our IMU community in Adelaide has grown exponentially!! About 10 of the Aucklanders came to Adelaide for internship!! Lilian (intern), Jee Yen (intern), Kareeann (she's RMO now!! woo~~), Lauren (intern), Me(sigh~, Med5), Steph(Med5)
With Clara
Christine, Steph, Lilian, Me, Shiau Cern, Chuen + Clara, Aly, Leng Hui
Rody trying to be funny! Okies tats all... kinda sleepy now... till my next post....... HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR everyone!!!! =) Miss u guys!!

I shall end this post with a super duper cute picture of ginger!! Ain't she the cutest lil doggie in the WWW!!~~ =)

love love love,
