Kuching Roks your Soks

6:10 pm / Posted by lhf /

Kuching people rock. For one we have an accurate perception of time and thus we will never be culpable of tardiness. "If Hai Fon isn't asleep he'll always be on time" (quoted by Nooboob KJ). Kuching people are also damn spontaneous. I'm bringing this up now because even after so many years my friends haven't changed.

Friend A resides in Aus, working.
Friend B resides in Canada, working.
Handsome Lengzhai C stuck in Leicester, pretending to be a med student.

Day 1-Conversation between Friend A and C
A-Working life sucks, lets go get smashed.
A-I'll ask B (both sends a facebook msg to B)

Day 2-Facebook reply from B
B-I'm down like a clown, Charlie Brown. I need dates to plan on my end.

Day 3-Dates confirmed, B and C applying for leave as
we speak

Even in the highly unlikely case that the plan doesn't come into fruition, it took a total of 3 days to coordinate the dates of three people(from Kuching, where the coolest people come from) around the world. Itinerary is planned out and all thats left is to see if their leaves are granted. If all goes well, it'll be snowboarding in Switzerland, peeing off the Eiffel Tower in Paris and.....admiring the tulips and other pretty flowers in Amsterdam. Further venues to be added if they get the full length of leave they are applying for. This is why Kuchingnites will take over Malaysia. While KL people are deliberating whether or not to go to war and whether their parents will give them permission, Kuching people will have invaded, occupied their land and stolen their wives and daughters and be found in a kopitiam eating kolo mee.

The life substance of a Kuchingnite. Eaten in a kopitiam, it has the effect of making us relive our high school years, the craziest period of our lives (IMU was awesome too but in a more legal, socially acceptable way). Same old stories will be retold the billionth time about terrorizing teachers, wrecking havoc in class and each time a small piece will be lost in memory as time takes its toll on our perpetually regressed minds.

Update- Interesting fact. Do you guys remember your Sejarah? James Brooke ruled most of Sarawak followed by Charles Brooke and Charles Vyner Brooke who left for Australia when the Japs invaded? Anyway we had this girl in our class for many years named Brooke Alexander before one day on the cover of the local newspaper, it was revealed she was the descendant of the White Rajah. Pretty cool huh? Her bro was in the school track team with me. Whooped our asses pretty bad.



Comment by kranthi on 12:51 pm

Hello mate, If you remove the above pictures slideshow or decrease it's width.. the layout would be perfect.. as the right sidebar will go up..


Comment by Marilyn on 3:13 pm

heloo. thanks. i couldn't seem to get it to go up without giving me a error message actually. so i gave up. haha

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