True to our name we've gone global. Going to the airport is seriously like a super normal thing to do nowadays. Sending people off lah, coming back lah, flying off again lah. Ya well, it was my turn yesterday and I was really sad to go. Banjir pun. More feelings on my site in a bit, have to split attention between two blogs, k! For now just pictures from before I went past the departure gates.. (down that slow slow escalator that adds drama to farewells... actually when on that apparently slow slow escalator it's not that slow after all.)
Me and Michelle - I was supposed to be called Michelle but leh, my dad said name too cheeky so named me Marilyn instead. Same difference I think... worse even maybe =p
Me and Ling Wei - I would've made a collage of these photos but I'm too lazy to do that now...
Yep, settling in now. Tomorrow's the first day. Everything's closed today because it's some sorta public holiday. Auckland something memorial something something. So I couldn't get more shampoo or toothbrush... hahah! I didn't realize I'd forgotten my toothbrush! Oopsie! And I realize my hair keeps blocking one eyes in the photos. haha! Anyway, it's Auckland is 5hrs ahead of you guys in Malaysia and I'm groggy sleepy at the moment. I shall nap now =) Nites! Blog again later =)
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