borneo misadventures part 2

10:12 pm / Posted by bran / comments (0)

yoyo. just finished i am legend. thought it was kinda too simple for a movie of will smith's pedigree. expected more la. anyway he went out with a bang. so ok ok la.

hrmss ok kk part 2 coming up.

PRTTTTTTTT. de sound ripped through the silent mountain air. sigh. chem lesson 101. as u move higher up in the atmosphere, there is less atmospheric pressure. so when there is less atmospheric pressure, air expands. as u know, our bowel is full of air. so when it cannot keep the air anymore de air has to go somewhere right..n our GI tract only got 2 lobang la. so it will follow de path of less resistance. this is NORMAL. every1 does it. some do it louder than most. some don't admit it. but EVERY1 does it!!! STOP LOOKING AT ME WITH THAT FUNNY LOOK!! only up there i realised that 'fresh mountain air' might not be so fresh after all.

3km up de path, there was only me n christabel. the other 4 had already rampaged through the first half of the trail. christabel has always had knee problems and they flared up when we started the climb. so me being the nice kind gentleman that i am teman-ed her throughout the climb. we were going slowly and many ppl who started later than us were overtaking us. our guide was behind us. he'll stick with the belakang ppl. he's about lingwei's height, and thin. he was carrying more than 20kg of our bags. crazy fella. ppl hike like crazy, he put hands in pocket n skip along the path. literally. dam bengang wei.

RING RING. RING RING. dam cha tou wei. halfway up the highest peak in borneo, my handphone rang. dam off la. super mood spoiler. so when u hike, silent your phone or turn it off. it just kills de mood. anyways, it was lingwei. she said de ppl in front of her went ahead and she couldn't keep up. de ppl behind her haven't catch up. so she call me. dengggg.. so i ask her wait for us lo.

RING RING. RING RING. lingwei: where are you. why so slow de. i'm waiting at the pondok. me: okok coming coming.

RING RING. RING RING. swt.. lingwei again. she say very lonely and cold waiting there. so she went off with another guide. swt swt swt swt

urm. skip all the boring parts la. the hike itself was mostly uneventful. there's a single path you follow, den mostly it's steps until the final third, where things start getting rocky and u climb up rocks instead of wooden stairs. think we were at the 4thplus kilometer when mingkeong reached de top. fast la. he say he have to keep going cos if slow down will cramp wo. in 2nd n 3rd position were lingwei and mrshio. 4th was ah mok. me n christabel were taking up de rear. anyways it was about here dat i was beginning to feel dizzy n got headache la. took panadol and ponstan, but didn't help. think it's called acute mountain sickness. something like dat la. anyway not macho at all la. grrr. bring mountain sickness tablets.

ok sampai la last 500metres. so near. yet so far. up on this trail, we learned the true value of 1kilometer. 1kilometer is dam far wei. dam dam dam dam far. btw i heard jebb was thinking of climbing. hahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahaha. the steps are taller than her wei. heheheh. but le if wan try is a good experience geh. can make it kua. the next day. hahahahahahahahahahaha.

anyways. de last part every1 reach top d la. suddenly it started raining. heavily. cis. i got no raincoat. cos i left it with lingwei, who abandoned me. sob. my raincoat reach de top earlier den me. when i need it. sob. anyway our faithful guide, who was always behind us motivating n supporting us, suddenly felt that those ppl who edi reached de top needed their bags. very badly. just when it started to rain. so he say byebye den cabut. leaving us in de rain. rawrrrrr. dam sad wei. abandoned.

okok last part le. de roles of me n chris reverse d. in front is me motivator. now back i need motivation pulak. hehe. cos really pening le. cannot tahan. walk few steps need to stop n rest. so dat last 500m was dam torturing la. smore got lingwei keep sms say she reach top d. grrrrrr. not motivating at all.

ok tired d. dam hot my crotch area. laptop on lap ma. panas.

hmm. actually dunno how much to reveal le. so din type all all la. don wanna spoil de enjoyment for racinetan and shengkunleng. so ganbate la u all 2. anything we come back ma ask us lo.

okok..tired d! good nite ba. any questions about the above story, can ask when we come back ba. nites!

borneo misadventures

10:24 am / Posted by bran / comments (0)

harlo n good morning everyone!

today's edition of the sabah times may or may not be a true account of what may or may not have happened on the path up to the peak of mt kinabalu several days ago.

anyways, it started as a perfect morning. dark, cold and earrrrrlyyy. we had to get up at 5 and get ready as our van came to pick us up at 530am. over here, as all the borneo ppl know, the sun is up about an hour earlier compared to the peninsular. but at the ungodly hour of 530, even our world's greatest energy source is nowhere to be seen.

anyways, it was to be about 2hours journey from our place to the starting point of our journey, timpohon gate. i would put in a trail map for you, but i'm lazy and you'll just have to imagine. just woke up not too long ago and everyone else is still sleeping. anyways the gate itself is already about 2000++ meters above sea level. the peak is claimed to be at 4095m. means we quite high up the mountain d la. the 'three-quarter house' is at 3300++ meters i think. called laban rata la the place. forgive my uncapped letters. i'm lazy. shoot me.

urm. when we reach near the place d, got a restaurant there, so we stopped for breakfast. to prove that not all haifon says is fake, they really do serve lambchop there. i think the price is kinda like normal price, higher a bit nia, but wasn't really paying attention cos not planning to eat. the place called bayu kinabalu. btw a little side note here. when you guys come to kinabalu, drink.plain.water. seriously. the price of drinks here is crazy. even limau ais is more expensive than coca cola. even if you don wan the asam boi they offer you.

urm okok reach timpohon gate d. gonna start climbing. there were 6 of us. 4 lelaki 2 perempuan. lelaki is leekeongjoo, moeycheehoong, mokchuangshin and wanmingkeong aka lameking. perempuan is nglingwei and christabelestherterence. now if you're smart and are kinda loaded, get a porter to carry up your stuff for you. they charge rm6.60 per kg for a return trip. so if your bag is 5kg, it's only bout rm33. but usually will be bout 7kg. most heavy stuff is water. word of advice - don carry too much water. just bring 500ml when you start out. there'll be resthouses along the way. 7 in total for the 6km hike. everytime you reach a resthouse just refill with water n drink. they got untreated water there. not crystal pure but drinkable la. at least still look like water not teh tarik. i didn't get a porter, but lingwei did. so i tumpang some stuff inside hers. haha. but i still carry heavy bag up k. don play play.

end of part 1. i'm sweating like crazy here. the best place for internet here is in de corridor. no fan de. gila panas wei. i continue part 2 later ba. or nlwei will do it for me. hohohoho..


5:55 pm / Posted by jebb @ lil' quiet / comments (0)

After an agonizing n a traumatizing month, the results are finally out!............................
I passed! Yay!!
I promise to study hard next year!

jin aun's solo...muz watch! =p

8:14 pm / Posted by Anonymous / comments (0)

since i m so free...not studying for my minor postings...i shall blog bout our diwali nite la...

s boring s seremban may seem, we hv our share of fun oso k...diwali nite was held bout a week ago...i had fun running around...duno bout d audience, mich, kunleng took part in dances n fashion show...dats y damn time 2 sit down n watch...but we had fun dressing up and taking pics...hahahah!!!nearly all our batch chinese gals dat were in seremban took part in fashion show la...1st time k our batch so semangat...even chernwoo,fraser, su yuen, patrick oso got join...jin aun no nit 2 say la...sure hv 2 join 1..hahah!!!he got several solo parts sumore..=p

oh yeah...jeb n gowri came n watch too!!!hv 2 ask dem if dey enjoyed demselves enot la...we did not hv enuf gals for fashion show...wanted 2 pulled jeb in...but she mengada n reject us...sigh~

hahahah!!!but i m so glad dat dey came!!! =p

yup dats us....kunleng in her punjabi-styled sari, mengada jeb who dowan join fashion show, me in rajastani-styled sari (dis is a sari 4 shy ppl...=p), mich in a sari for a adolescent (she had to ber-tocang n act cute k!) and gowri wid her big big smile =)

our guys..jin aun n su yuen were d bridegrooms of the day k...too bad d brides arent fr our batch...cos we not tall enuf...hahahah!!!!height discrimination la!!!!

i jz had 2 put dis pic in la...cos i like it...hahaha!!!poser pic...we hv few more la...but i like dis best...i tink mich liked d other 1 better...but i lazy 1 put la...anyway, dis is our medley dance grp...d indian gals are super chun dancers la...i tink dey move their hands oni oso look gd on stage d..hahaha!!!

anyway, i shall put up d video of our medley...lookout for chernwoo and suyuen in d video!!!no nit 2 look out 4 jin aun..u wont miss him la...look out for his last solo part..its super funny la!!!(at least i tink so) =p


aiya...i duno how 2 upload video la..i dowan upload liao...cis!

Ser is a Fast Learner

5:29 am / Posted by lhf / comments (0)

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : get urself some caucasian to get laid la lol

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : life will not be so boring lol

lhf : fuuyoh ser chiang oh

lhf : teach me la ser..i duno how ma

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : hehe jz mixed wif caucasian gals la

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : they very open wan

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : lol

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : diao i do obs and gyn

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : c p*ssy till muaks

lhf: ...... dunno wan to laugh or cry for u

lhf: so you getting a lot of action la?

Obs&Gyn in General Mayo Hospital : diao i dun wan my lanciao get infected

lhf : correct smart ser

HEHEHEEHEHEH ser should get into the entertainment business. talent is so wasted on medicine. i have portfolios to do. im bored.
