after about 3 weeks without my comp and NZ$280 my laptop is back.
home alone...
so we tried to advertise for magnolia.. hahahahaha...
woohoo! i'm here to post someting! haha.. sorry guys.. i'm in obstetrics now! oh my.. u ppl shud come n do some obs posting here la... i've to wake up every day at 615 AM!!!! this is not a time for human to wake up la! wat the! i've to leave house before sunrise! and i've to reach the hosp at 7 or latest 7.15am... u ppl can seriously imagine how suffering is this la... never mind.. we got class almost every afternoon till 4 or 5 pm.. then i'll rush back to sleep.. haha! as usual.. i need my beauty sleep!! then at night i terpaksa go back to the wards to clerk all my patients.. cos we need to cover the whole ward.. and our hebat seremban hospital.. got 40+ patients in a ward.. meaning i've got bout 8 patients to clerk everyday! cos the very next morning at 8am we've to present the case to our dr who comes to do ward round.. hehe! konon he's very fierce n will throw ppl out of the ward if we dont clerk all our patients.. it didn't happen to us though.. konon it happen to another group.. phewww... luckily i'm rajin! hahahaha...
4 of us in our clean n neat living room.. haha!
kun leng n the birthday boy...
this is the last pic of the day.. haha.. k la.. i'm hungry.. see u ppl! post more! woohoo!
Yeah...Gowri finally put some pics up!! yeahh....Nice pics gowri!!....hehehe...=) Well....I'm now sitting at my table and I shud be reading stuff up for psych......oh yeah...I'm doing my psych rotation now....quite alot of stuff to read lar...soo many criteria's to remember....blah blah....and the whole interview thing is soo new to us....sit there and just dunno what to ask the patients....sigh....oh well....we'll get it soon....hahaha....but are my kecoh pictures....hahaha....=)
Well....we decided to surprise Arthur for his birthday....seeing that he thought we kinda forgot about it and he thought we weren't going to do anything for if lar.....we're all friends....silly Arthur hahaha....but yes....he was actually coming over to my place to surprise us too......cause he got his car!! hahaha....but yeahhh he's holding up the car keys in his hands in this picture....and his face was soo funny when we opened the door and had the cake and shouted surprise!! hahaha.....
So's the happy birthday boy with his rather caplang cake...hahaha our cheese cake which we ordered for him we ended up getting him muffins....cuz he really loves muffins....hahaha desperate okay....we found out like a few hours b4 our thing that the cake wasn't ready....super sabo lar...hahaha...but he was happy anyways....
The happy birthday boy with his present.....hahaha...
A group pic....=)
Tun came late so we had to take another pic with him in it.....hahaha.....
Do not be alarmed when u see this okay....hahaha its not all mine!! half is my house mates....and from my half....half is for my mum to take back for my sister.....ahhahaa....=P but don't u just love our easter eggs/bunnies/stuff mountain!! hahaha..... I think its cute....
One of my favorites.....Yellow Mr M&M man!! hahaa....
Last weekend we decided to go to Cottlesloe was really pretty....and the weather was soo nice....cuz we went at we got there around 11....had lunch......=) it was nice and breezy and after taking our pics and enjoying the beach we had gelato's then went home when the sun started getting really it was perfect timing...=)
Us with our fish and chips....yummy....but....super oily lar....hahaha...
Aaron feeding the sea gull...we told him not to lar....hahaa....after he gave that like tons of sea gulls started to fly to us....hahaha....naturally we started screaming lar.....=P scary okay....they all start flying straight toward our direction hahaha.....
One of the evil sea gulls who kept staring at us.....greedy bugger....hahaha
The other evil sea gull....hahaha.....
A view of the beach from where we were sitting.....Nice right....=) I love the skies here in Aus....soo nice and blue.....=)
Sue Yin, Me, Eve and Aaron before walking down to the beach....=)
Hahaha...we can't help ourselves lar....damn long never take pics okayy....hahaha
I like this pic.....=P looks like a post card!! hahaha....=)
These ones are just scenery pics....the beach is just soo nice....we didin't bring towels to go into the water......and we went to dip our feet in the water....and the waves were quite strong and high sometimes...hahaha our shorts got wet too....and the water was soo nice and cold.....hahaha we had to go to the beach quickly cuz its getting damn cold winter i'm soo not going to the beach hahaha....=P
That evening we went to Metro....we thought we'd treat ourselves cuz its the end of our first technically it was a free weekend....=P I only have 1 pic though....they don't let u take pics in metro....i think i said so b4....soo silly.....ahhaha but's a group pic of us....we all seem happy at that point....but we din haf a really great nite...i dun think we'll be going back to metro for a while.....the music kinda sucked...keep playing super ulu songs u know!! hahaha...he din even play akon or justin timberlake....too much lar these ppl.....but yes....we got pissed and left early and went to eat instead...gonna try the metropolitan at Fremantle....apparently its much better cuz they have 4 chambers with different music.....the only prob is that its a bit far....=P oh well....tats our upcoming plan for end of june and the end of our rotations and exam....=P stress stress.....=P
Just last Tuesday we decided to go sing k =P hahaha...and we had to take pics lar...cuz the last time we went elaine's computer like ate the pics from sue yin's camera...and we had no it was all lost....yes...very tragic....hahhaa....=P So is Elaine and Arthur singing together....they're damn cute singing together.....they're both good and for some reason everytime we go there they're always wearing matching clothes hahaha....=P
Me and Nadia singing...I can't remember wat we were singing hahaha....but they made us stand on the chairs.....dun worry I took my shoes off hahaha...But I look damn short kesian ahhaha.....Nadia is too tall.....=P
A happy group pic....The girl in between Arthur and Eve is Arthur's sister, Grace who came to visit.....=)
I like this pic....everyone looks soo happy and nice....=) hahaha....
After that we decided to take an act cute pic....hahaha
Okie dokie.....It is time for me to end my kecohness.......tired d.....=) till the next time I ber-kecoh....miss u guys like crazy....oh yahh!! Gowri got optus already!! so we can talk for free d.....but actually we can talk free on skype hahaha...and Jeb has internet already!! yeah!!! Gowri and Jeb we shud ber-skype together lar!! it'll be fun....hehehe... So till the next time....TaKe CaRe OkIe GuYs!!
hello everyone!!!
it has been a while since my last post...hehe well nothing much has been going on with me(i do live in an ulu place remember:P) hehe my gosh!could it be?i have been away too long from the kecoh gang that i have forgotten how to be kecoh?i cant believe my mind is drawing a i really dont know what to blog about..hehe ill put up some pictures and then maybe something will come to mind:D
This was when we went for first was the first med event of the year..basically we went to this place where they had free flowing alcohol (i tried champagne for the first time!not thaaat fantastic la i think:p) i felt a bit silly with my name tag on but we were supposed to mingle with all the med students from every year..its actually held to welcome first year students...oh thats emma in the middle and su yen on the left
this was nelsons bay:D we went to see dolphins! but aih movies really portray them differently.. they always show happy dolphins jumping in the sea..when in reality they just swim in the jumping!it was so hard to tell waves from the dolphins fins:P i only got one pic of the dolphins but u have to zoom in 8 times to see the face!oh thats stephen on the furthest left and ken jay..our seniors:D
see what i mean!!so small!so far!but i did see a few closer to the boat..but wasnt fast enough with my camera:P
ooh this was our International House ball..its the first ball i have been to was quite fun:D these are my housemates..they are really really nice!!I had to walk all the way to the place where it was held though:(i didnt know..i thought they were going to arrange a bus or feet were killing me by the time i reached there and then..i stupidly forgot my id so i had to walk alll the way poor poor feet!
hehe i had to put this photo in!we were walking on the street and thought we could pose with this cool statue ..but my friend went a little overboard..hehe she actually climbed the thing ok!a bit embarrasing la..cos there were ppl eating in a cafe nearby and there were cars passing by:Di went to melbourne for the easter was damn nice!i only managed to see mohana and her housemate manjeet though..most of the time i was with my sister..we went to the great ocean road which was soooo beautiful..ill put the pictures up in a sec...oh in the pic,from left to right priyanka(manjeets friend and su yens ex housemate!what a small world,manjeet,mohana and me)
Its sooo beautiful..its called the 12 apostles..basically its those rock formations in the sea and there are 12 of them:P i took like a million pictures but its all basically more different shaped rocks in the sea..u get the
thats all for now...ill blog again too keep u guys posted...take care!!i miss you guys loads!!!
so locomotor is over... the results won't be out for a while because apparently they have a new way of grading us and require the results from other locomotor runs before they can standardize the thing. what nonsense is that?
anyway, i'm on my general medicine run right now in an ulu place called waikato. it's got lotsa cows and green pastures. surprisingly i like it. it's farmland everywhere and it's kampung but i like how friendly everyone is and how laidback the lifestyle there is. and at the moment i think i'm doing pretty okay with the consultants and such. life is alright... ulu is good... maybe subconsciously i'm missing ulu brunei.
haven't got any photos of the place but i live right beside the hospital so i can go back to my room for a nap anytime. hehe. and if i ever look lost, someone always asks are you lost? need any help? big change from the times in northshore... people ignore you. haha. oh well =P
the imu bunch went to mission bay the other day. and then someone thought it'd be a good idea to walk back. it took us almost 2hrs. damn dumb right? haha. but it wasn't so bad. walking for 2hrs here isn't like walking for 2hrs in kl. at least the weather's nice and cool and even when there's sun it's windy enough to be cool. but by the time we got back to grafton my legs where ready to drop off and i had blisters on my toes. rubbish...
here are some pictures
omg i'm so stressed.
aside from everything there's locomotor osce on thursday
i can't remember anything
like seriously.
i'm on the verge of giving up
bloody stressed
but i'm still alive so ya... life goes on.