Hello and welcome back to my show...today i'm going to show you how to make simple Keropok Udang. Ok first you heat the oil...then chuck in the keropok till it kembangs and remove it from the hot oil!! Idiotproof!
Err just as a side thing ill also show you how not to cook keropok udang....................... (hello! yes im a keropok udang)
Bloody hell...i left the oil boiling while watching TV without turning on the oil sucker machine thingy. walked into the kitchen to see it filled with smoke....decided aiyah cook a few keropok lah before taking care of the smoke...chucked in 1 chip and the smoke alarm goes off. I then run to find the stupid alarm.....then stare at it going 'duhhh...how do i switch this thing off'. got irritated, whacked it and it stopped. (confirm made in china) Sigh after opening the doors and windows, returned to the kitchen to realize i should be made illegal in kitchens.
Ended up eating maggi mee. Hooray
Helloo ppl.....seems like the kecoh blog isn't so kecoh lately hor....I guess everyone is getting busy already...I know I am....I'm getting quite stressed here.....So i have decided to de-stress my self by ber-kecohing....hahaha....=P But due to the piling amount of work i'm supposed to finish by this friday.....I have decided to ber-kecoh in parts....hahaha....so yes....this is the first half of the kecohness hahaha....=P
So on valentines day....since we girls were all dateless and it was chinese new year we decided to have an all girls valentines day + cny steamboat thingy....hahaha I must say it was quite alot of fun.....and the food was yummy so that just made everything even better....So what is a post without pics?? haha.....here's a pic of our dining setting.....as u can see we haven't poured in our soup yet....cuz we later changed to a pot cuz we figured there were 7 girls and we were all super hungry haha....=P
So after our very yummy and filling steamboat we went photo crazy....hahaha.....I dunno how it happened....=P hahaha....so here's all the gals tat attended....From the back row....eve, me, elaine(my housemate), jya jya (elaine's friend) and mandy (also elaine's friend) and of course nadia and sue yin in the front....)
From that pic we decided to take a few more cuz as usual diff ppl wanted diff poses...haha....so this one was supposed to be a serious pic....but just b4 the camera timer went off elaine said sth silly or made a face or sth and we all ended up laughing like crazy....hahaha =P except elaine of course hahaha.....
And from there we somehow ended up on the staircase....haha yes....we're fully utilising our house....ahhaha....=P We of course had more than one of these pics but i picked this one lar...cuz everyone looks nice and no one was blocked or sth.....=)
Haha....this feels like a tour of my house....hahaha.....From the staircase we then ended up at our living room.....We have a small cosy living room with a really tiny tv as u can see...but it does the trick when u really need the entertainment.....hahaha.....And yes.....we were quite bored....and i have no idea who suggested this pose.....hahahha
After that the alcohol kinda came into the picture hahaha.....and with alcohol the night went on with dice games and card games.....And for this pic everyone got a red card and had to drink...except eve who got a black one....so she had to take the pic....hahaha...but can u see how happy sue yin is...hahaha soo cute....=P And yes...there were more pics like tat...but tat was how our all girls nite went along....quite a fun one if u ask me....kinda make me think of our time in jb with all the gals....i miss u guyss soo much......=P sigh......=P
Our next big outing was Nadia's birthday....we din know where to go....so we ended up at ana-rashmi =P hahaha is tat how you spell it?? its just like the one in midvalley where u can pay as much as you want....but the choices are less lar....so I think we paid like $5 each...=P But the location was beautiful.....it was by the bay....So yes....we had to syok sendiri before eating...later when the sun sets is like different already.....and by the place there's like a jetty....so we went ther to take some pics....
so yah...here's some pics of the view from where we sat....sorry its a bit blur....hand shakey lar....wat to do.....hahaha....=) Isn't the view damn nice.....it was sunset that time so it was damn nice.....
And finally before we left a group photo.....=P So its Arthur, Aaron, Tun, Eve, Sue yin, Me, Nadia and Hendrick.....We wanted to go watch a movie after that but then there weren't any nice movies to watch....so we ended up going for gelato and waffels in Northbridge....it was on a Tuesday....and on Tuesdays we have half price for gelato's and waffels......hehehe =) so that was yummy......
Hrm....after that our next lil gathering was our 7 vegetables dinner....which was quite funny cuz we found out later that the vege's we bought we're exactly the ones u were supposed to get...hahaha....but yeah...it was the thought that counted =) and the food was yummy.....here's some pics of the food we had.....we had grilled chicken too.....yummmmmmyyyy.....
On another random day which I can't remember why we were in the city.....and we met elaine at her favourite coffee place which is one level above and you can look down on everyone in the city....which is quite nice....and you can see really strange things....esp cuz ppl dun think anyone will notice or see....so u'll see bf's touching their gf's butt's or somthing random like that....which was kinda weird and we only noticed it when elaine pointed it out......but yes.....other than that the view from up there is pretty nice.... =)
And before we continued on around the city....yes we took a photo....ahhaha...=)
We went out on Tun's bday too to watch Norbit....I must say if u haven't seen it yet....do not go and see it unless u happen to borrow it from someone......or u are sooo utterly bored that u'll think its alrite hahaha.....damn waste of money lar......hahahhaa.....but yess.....we had one random photo from that event...... and that's tun's gf.....who's name is also stephanie hahaha and sue yin and I =P
The next event was the year 4 med dinner....It was a cocktail party for the year 4 students....and we tot we shud go and mingle with ppl from our batch.....=) they started off the evening at the foreshore which is by the bay with drinks which I thought was beautiful.....=) hehe....So yes...here's a pic of Tim and I =)
A picture of us at that nite...Nadia and hendrick didn't come that nite =) I love this pic....u can see the moon at the back too....=P and the sky is such a beautiful combination.....hehehe =)
Here's a pic of us at the table....that's paige at the back...she's in my pbl group and she lives like really near me....almost my neighbour.....hehe =) can u see arthur's face getting redder.....hahaha....=P
Sue Yin and I at the table with our food....we were served chicken and steak...=) hahaa u can see tim eating his food too.....ahahaha =P
You can see a very happy Arthur.....hahaha....=P and u can see the increased redness in his face....he was very entertaining that nite....haha.....=) The other two in the pic is Alia and Nik =)
This is a pic of Gareth....he's in the same group as me in gen med....and we usually do our history taking together.....=) he too was very entertaining that nite.....haaha =)
And before we ended the night here's a pic with Reuben's friend.....i've forgotten his name already.....hahaha =P
Just now we went for dinner with the IMU seniors and intern's.....the 2nd batch from imu to graduate from UWA.....=) we went to a place called Makan Makan....hahaha....so its like malaysian mamak kinda style food....but the food was okay only lar....but I guess we can't expect too much.....but the portions were pretty small for the prices they were charging.....=P We had like roti cheese with onion....yummy cheesy roti......hahaha.....and some nasi goreng something.....hahaha forgot already......Then afer that we went to Eutopia.....a bubble tea place.....=) so here's Jessie (M103), Elaine (intern), me and Aaron....
Erm.....Suba (intern), Tee Ching (intern), Sue yin, nadia and hendrick....=)
Hendrick, Wan may (intern) and Aaron (M103) haha I hope i spelt their names correctly......And Ken Rhe and Evelyn was there too but I din get a picture of them in my camera....=) They were all really nice and helpful.....=) So that was quite a fun evening....=)
So yes....I shall stop here lar.....I have to get back to my case reports.... soo much stuff due next week.....and then got observed history taking and physical exam in front of consultant then have to present the case back to him.....40% man.......stress stress.....=P Waiting for easter....got some big med school clubbing event at metro.....I think we should be going.....sounds like fun.....haha....=) and we'll get a long weekend then......the lucky newcastle ppl get like 1 week.....lucky ducks.....we only get good friday and easter monday.....evil evil uwa.....trying to torture us.....hahaha.....but yes.....till the next time I blog......take care ppl....miss u guys !! =) continue the kecoh-ness......=P hehehe.....
On the 13th of March, I dont care how busy u guys are. Drop what you are doing and tune into MU vs euro11 at...4am(+8gmt). When you see a good looking, slightly skinny chinese guy running naked across the field with MALAYSIA BOLEH scrawled across his back carrying a Malaysian flag, being tackled by the stewards shortly after and dumped unceremoniously out of old trafford, you can turn to you friends sitting beside you and say with pride " I know that guy."
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