Pics from Manchester

6:53 am / Posted by Van Ren / comments (0)

hELLO PEOple..

JUst thought i should include and share some photo's from the UK..
this pictures were taken in september after hf and i decided to visit Manchester cause we were bored. Ahem, leicester's one heck of a place!! (*mumbles*..pffft.. phase one exam...aaaagggggggaaaaaaiiiinnnnn.. unhappy triad fracture.. femoral triangle.. sjogren's synd.. iisshh.. who on earth invented this kind of things??!! pffft..)..

*breaks out of almost-falling-into-pre-depression*

Yeah yeah yeah *stutters to sound convincing*, Leicester rocks!! We've got a very huge christmas tree up, a month before Christmas (sorry no pics yet), we've got a shopping complex, wait a minute, we've got 2 shopping complexes.. we've got a 3 story topshop, we've got chocolates and cakes which are to-die-for..

See see what did i tell you..


Anyway, pics from manchester..

haha.. taking this picture, i had to act as if i was fiddling with my camera while haifon walked up to pose very discreetly.. cause haifon er.. someone didnt want to look "Ja Kun".. haha

We met up with Lina and Ah Moo..
here are some pics from some dinner place at the city..

Lina acting shy

Ah Moo acting shy

Hai Fon acting shy but failing cause he loves his face on camera too much.. haha

I don't know why but there are a lot of random pics of Ah Moo around.. haha..


Oh yeah Hai Fon and i missed our train TWICE!!
no reason why we did it really, we werent blur or anything, we just had too much money to spend buying more tickets.. haha

hello. i am a floppy fish.

5:49 am / Posted by moo / comments (0)

yupyup, the pic everyone's been waiting for..

Floppy fish mode on the streets of london. memorable bday indeed.

yeah, so i guess everyone's heard abt my infamous drunken exploits. I knew turning 21 was supposed to be a big thing, I just didn't think it'd be THAT memorable. Provided silly n hai fon wif loads of entertainment! one minute im walking out of the pub n the next, ooh wobbly legs. heyy how did i get on the floor? Yup, 21. All mature n grown up.

okok, some non drunken pics.. buckingham palace!

this is wat we've been up to in ulu preston..

Fresher's wk doc n nurses pub crawl

Manchester Pyjama Pub Crawl

Check out the matching PJs..

Halloween! yup u guessed it.. another pub crawl!

the guys here seem to like cross-dressing A LOT. Bad imcc memories.

Next up.. alton towers. It's a british theme park wif loads of rollercoaster rides.. fun!

spastic photos on the way..

and MORE spastic photos

can u spot us?

this is Nemesis.. my first rollercoaster ride!

Oblivion. This is the one ride i was too chickenshit to go on! The ride ends wif a vertical drop into a pitch black hole in the ground. I could here ppl going OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG all the way .. Sillyna, o brave one, went on it n survived! clapclapclap.

okok i think that's enuf photos.

miss u guys!

where are the others??? kai... jebbie.. yx???

12:08 am / Posted by Lil'Ling / comments (0)

hehe... today is tuesday!! but i feel very free edi.. even though test is around the corner.. haha.. less than a month.. woohoo... die.. anyway... here's some pics for our diwali night.. i shall put up some.. as for de details.. rac edi blog about it.. so i shall not elaborate further.. =D

this is our Dean Prof Ramesh Jutti... My handsome tutor... hahahhaa.. lucky me.. =D

from de left.. emily, handsome prof, racine, lingwei...

in case u din notice.. racine is saying "ehhh..."
her usual blurish 'ehhh'..... hehehe...

from de right... arathi, evelyn, renee, nadya, ai meng, melissa, rac, kun leng and lingwei...

aiya... my editing... cannot see de words clearly.. anyway.. leekeongjoo is acting cute AGAIN.. biasa la.. hehe... n that's our senior kenneth.. nice guy...

me n rac n erin... aiya.. we shud pakai heels la... hehe.. ;)
dont be jealous ppl.. she's eating alot everyday... but still super thin... hehe... n she can really swim... hebat hebat... *clap clap*

this is wat we do when we see a rainbow!!! this has nothing to do with diwali nite.. hehehe.. this is just a random pic..

in de pic.. bee yan n baxter (trying to take photo of the rainbow too)... hehehe...

okie... that's all.. i realise uploading small size pics are so much easier n faster... hehe...

seremban is happening oso la....=)

9:28 pm / Posted by Anonymous / comments (0)

seems like d most unlikely person to post sumting on the blog is actually posting quite byk...moo's bday sounds super fun la...kenapa takde video la...hahah!!! moo:we can drink again when u come back, k?den u can do ur flippity-flop stunt again!!!

n those pple in kl who r stil on holiday...apa ni...tak de post at all.....

yup, seremban is happening too....we jz had our diwali nite...tak byk crowd but we shiok sendiri la...haha!!!i enjoyed myself at least...altho d performances wasnt great...but it seems dat our performance were better than d seniors,k....i hv pple telling me dat la...haha!!!!sry la...tak de video of our messy dance...but got pics la...n i malas 1 post byk, ya, we had fun....den went club 4 2hrs.....seremban got club k....don play play....

dancers from our batch...
monkeying n lw again...
indian costume canot 4get indian pose....we r all shy pple...=)

yup, i lazy 1 post d....wait 4 lw 2 upload pics la....haha!!!

now, awaiting sports week!!!yay!!!its nxt week i tink....

R U RDY MOO?! wahahaha!

10:17 am / Posted by lhf / comments (0)

here we go!

once upon a time there was a lengchai guy, a cat and a cow. the cow was aging so they decided to go to london. in london they went to a pub where they had some wine. to be exact, ONE glass of wine. nah to be absolutely implicit with detail, half a glass of white wine.

so there we were mooing and miawing, and in the case of the lengchai, chatting sophisticatedly. this went on for a few hrs when we decided we sudnt push our luck as the london underground was closing. so we walked out.

at this point the cow was behaving cold sober. seriously. she was chatting normally, very rationally absolutely no sign whatsoever of even the slightest intoxication. oh and according to the cat, in a prior clubbing incident the cow downed several shots without even turning red. so it came as a surprise when the cow said "eh...i feel a little off......"

hehe next thing we knew amelia law suok sze was flopping about on the pavement. dunno if she was trying to do an impression of a beached whale but it was damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn funny la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if she was truly drunk like the oh-my-god-ill-nvr-do-this-again*vomit x 3* we wouldve been very sympathetic and worried but as it was i swear i didnt know what to think!!!!!!!!!!!!

she was absolutely fine, talking normally, no nausea no anything! jes that somehow her muscles all refused to work. she cudnt even sit up on her own....but you kecohppl mustve taught her well cos she was still talking happily. so there we were, a bunch of silly chinese ppl sitting on the sidewalk. after 10 minutes her cousin we decided to bring her to the main road where we cud flag down a cab.

so one arm around my neck another arm around her cuz's neck and we started walking....that lasted about 5 steps went suddenly she decided she didnt quite perfect her floppy fish imitation yet, so her legs totally went and this time her neck too. we really got quite worried. jes before she was walked normally, even commenting on how we weren’t walking in tandem. out of the blue, FLOPPYFISH mode.

"moo moo! shit, you alright?!"

hahahahahah dunno why but this part got me n lina laughing all night. still in the same limp, neck dangling pose came a "WaD?!" you know the stoner, slightly irritated tone she uses when u call her too many times? aiyah to conclude the story amelias says her 21st birthday was definitely memorable and i better stop before amelia does voodoo on me or something.

i got face cramps that night. i swear.




9:05 am / Posted by lhf / comments (0)

So my friends in Aus have this bet going, each of them has to pick another person whom they think would get married first. They’ve got a pool going whereby they each put in 50 aussie dollars and the winner sapus the load. I thought this was a great idea so I suggested to my Kuching friends that we do the same. As you would think we all started laughing while we put forward our suggestions.

Me: I think Oogabooga Lau* (names are kept confidential, yeah I don’t have a friend called oogabooga, big surprise.) would get married first. He’s got a steady girlfriend, his brother married at our age, he’s so bloody rich he can do as he pleases and…..he’s just that kinda guy, romantic and committed.

Others: Yeah, you’ve got a point there….

So we were discussing how it would take something like a marriage to bring us all together again (bunch of nostalgic sappy asses we are) when suddenly my friend goes..

Idioticus Chua*: Eh, fon I’m putting my money on you.

Everyone else: HAARR?!?!

Meanonimus Lee*: Wahlaueh siaw ar?! I bet my money that he’ll get married last! Where got chabo want him for a husband la?!

Me: =(

Idioticus Chua*: Aiya listen la…he’s the most likely one among us to get pissed drunk stumble into some LA chaple with his date and call us going “OI!!!!! I’m married wei!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!”

Everyone else: Oh ya hor! True true you got a point.

Me: =(

Me: Hoi!!!!!!!!! When I’m drunk I don’t cincai do stupid things la hor?

Whyucanrememberstupidthingslikethis Tan*: How about the time during Chinese new year when u got so drunk you stumbled to the main road, unzipped and pissed in front of all the cars passing by?

Me: ………………………….

Anyway for your information I can’t get drunk. Let me clarify things. During the infamous Singapore Zuok incident I was just acting lar! It was all an elaborate ploy to spend the night on Marilyn’s lap and to get Van to feed me oatmeal. The second time when I was seemingly drunk after EOS in poppy, I just thought it was an interesting way to pick up chicks. I mean what girl can resist a man with his head stuck in a flithy, vomit filled rubbish bin for an hour?! And see I was right! There was a girl who told you guys I was cute then came to me with a glass of lemonade remember? Aiya, I’m telling you it was all planned out……….


testing testing.

8:48 am / Posted by moo / comments (0)

Ballad of Serenity

5:31 pm / Posted by Innanis Aeterna / comments (0)

Take my love, take my land.
Take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free.
You can't take the sky from me.
Take me out, to the black.
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back.
Burn the land and boil the sea.
But you can't take the sky from me.
There's no place I can be.
Since I found Serenity.
But you can't take the sky from me.

Here's to new beginnings.

The 5 stages of terminal illness

3:48 am / Posted by chow / comments (0)

Guys... do you remember the five stages a patient goes through when dealing with a terminal illness?


Well perhaps this video will help jog your memory abit. hahaha. :P

...long thoracic nerve...

12:51 am / Posted by Lil'Ling / comments (0)

hehe... here i come.. "red carpet... for my grand entrance".. hmm.. rac sound so depress.. luckily i got this game call maple!!haha.. kind of addicted to it.. thanks to yonxian.. cis.. teach me de wrong things.. haha.. anyway.. y i chose that title.. is actually tak de kaitan with wat i gonna type.. haha..

so.. i'm in surgery posting now.. hehe.. kinda fun.. but still very lost.. cos.. no more lecture notes... no more memorising from boxes... i kinda miss memorising.. now i've to use my brains.. no more vomiting out... haha..

the other day we went into OT.. yeah.. quite fun.. port dickson OT more fun.. hehe.. cos there got very few ppl.. so we can shiok sendiri in OT.. haha..

this is a pic.. shiok sendiri in OT.. hahaha.. damn malu.. hehe.. the OT baju is quite comfy.. even is a lil bit big for me.. but still.. COMFORTABLE... haha... there's no particular size... u just take n wear it.. so most prob my baju n bran's baju is de same size... haha..

hmm... wat else to blog about.. i'm not in dancing.. so cannot tell u guys bout my dancing practice.. i'm not in any activities happening in IMU.. so that's nono.. aiya.. dunno wat to blog edi.. mayb i shall come back another day to blog bout some other things.. haha...

okie!! ciao... a piece of advice :- must remember long thoracic nerve.. i forgot bout it after sem 5.. my other groupmates also forgot bout it.. so malu... hahaha.. we remember de name.. but dunno the function.. great.. after all de questions n answers sessions only we remember.. wat the!!! kinda stupid.. guess we still have a long way to go..... gambate ppl!!!!

weekend depression...

9:59 pm / Posted by Anonymous / comments (0)

sigh...after coming to seremban, i nvr have monday blues...i actually cant wait 4 monday to come, can u believe it?!!dats cos fri comes, evry1 leaves for kl...u 1 cari orang makan pun susah...but den again, even if weekdays, i don go out makan wid pple v much...introvert now..not kecoh anymore..i only can kecoh around kecoh pple like u least, weekdays i got things 2 do la...go to hosp, prepare for tbl, prac dancing...not like during d weekends...hide at home only...haha!!!!i miss u guys soooo much used to b call 1 out jz 2 sit down n lepak, u get a whole bunch of, u call 1 out, 1 is all u get...yup, dats rite...usually mich ll b d 1 la..thx mich!!!!

anyway, ya, diwali nite is this thursday...i duno wat the date is...sendiri pergi check ar...nth big la...seremban so kecik...haha!!!anyway, evry batch hv to come out wid a indian dance la...not exactly indian...but since our batch is d junior-est....dey forced us to come out wid a dance to a indian song....yup, so we copied dance moves fr 'nache baliye' and 'kajra re'...nth impressive tho...i miss marilyn's choreography la...i miss dancing wid mary, lina, moo...sigh...hv to intensive training d next 3 days so dat we wont memalukan diri on thurs...yup, so wish me n bran luck ok?so dat we don disgrace ourselves....

btw, my tv is clear now...wont b so depressed during d weekends anymore...


5:40 pm / Posted by bran / comments (0)

harlo pplzz..i shall fulfill my kecoh duty n blog a kecoh post..which is not going to be very kecoh as sban is not kecoh n so no kecohness shall be kecohed from this unkecoh place (Sban)..

anywayzzz..latest news so far is..urm..

hmm..actually..all we've been doing lately in sban is working our asses off at the hospital.. not joking..been on call at least half the nites in a week..getting ready for presentations.. then sweating it out during class..the 2 IMU Clinical School Deans are teaching our group wei!!! stressssssssssssssssssssss!!!!

oh n lingwei moved on to surgery d..racine is now in internal medicine from surgery..michelle in family med from internal med..

hmm..more about the is the Admin Dean..Dato' Kanda..or Dato' K or DK for short..he is one lean mean scary machine wei..damn famous the guy..even in kedah or perak or other states..ppl in Hospital Besar IPOH asking how he is..known as 'the tiger'..super good surgeon la..damn of the best in msia..we learning stitching from him k!! k..hmm..for other lecturer's case presentation..we can just decide who will present n those ppl will have to present la..maybe 2 - 3 every1 not so stress.. But for DK..we have to clerk the whole ward!! every patient must be clerked..every case must be known.. if there are 40 pts in the ward..u have to know 40 histories..n be frens with the pts.. n we thought we had to memorise all the histories!! cannot present while reading paper..die wei.. but in the end..after all that stress..he's a nice guy la..with a very cool exterior..but still scared of him..hehe..

okok..dean no.2..this post is getting damn messy..but i lazy to type properly la..had to stop halfway jsut now because of continuing 6 hours later.. anyway..dean.2 is Prof Ramesh Jutty..he's the Academic Dean..big sized fella..very tall..if Jebb stand next to him..probably can see his belt..neways..he's a very nice guy..soft spoken..and according to the girls..very Very VERY handsome wo..but he must be la..even Hambin aka TanChernWoo also salivates at the thought of was damn funny la..shall not explain the scene..suck at story telling..anyhowz..he's nice..but demanding..expects ur knowledge to be damn good..n in exams very very strict..

hmmzz..this afternoon had stuff to forgot d..will post when i remember la..

anywayz..come visit us in Sban la..

- bran -

3:16 pm / Posted by gowri / comments (1)

hello hello!!!
Yes I am finally posting something!!!Well I havent been blogging cos frankly..there is nothing much to blog about:P hehe I have been keeping myself occupied with tv,the computer,shopping etc etc..really not very exciting stuff:P I think i can officially call myself the official bum of the century!!!
oh oh oh but yesterday i went back to u ask?i went to sibuk at their Diwali night...sighhh i miss IMU la!!!it felt so odd sitting there with nothing to do!!!no costumes to change into,no dance steps to remember,no sweating nervously..and worst of all no friends to cheer for!!!it was kinda odd..seeing all these juniors(some whom i didnt recognise) doing all the stuff we used to do:P haha i sound so old dont i?hehe...i went with Mohana and we both kinda shock sendiri la...not really asked to go but invited ourselves..bumped into Kah heng,thaven,dhivyan and sue yin..It was nice to see some ppl from M104:D
oooh for those of u who havent been to the new floor..its damn nice wei!! i know what my money was being used for...they have potted plants and nice doors..and their toilets are pretty nice too..doesnt look like IMU..oh they even have an ATM machine the atrium...hehe so special!!
oh and michelle sent me some photos of the cleo bday bash to post:P im too lazy to post any more pictures of the new floor(yes i was super jakun and took pics) cos it takes damn long to upload!!
hehe i guess i dont really have to say much teh cleo birthday bash since everyone has blogged about it was fun!!!but me jebb and kaiboy were too late to get the goodie bags..sigh:( oh and i managed to get in even though im still underaged!yay!silly zouk ppl!they should
just let ppl who are born in 85 enter la...whether or not their birthday has passed..sheesh!

okies i guess that all for now..come on blog ppl!!have to live up to our blog name:D take care!!

*big hugs*

Free wei!

4:07 pm / Posted by Marilyn / comments (0)

Neh, this is the bag I got for being 'disco dolly' lor... applaud my photo of bag taking skills! >_<>

My trip to KL....=)

9:40 pm / Posted by Stephanie / comments (0)

Helloo PpL....haha....I need broadband fast!!! The stupid dial up connection at home is a real killer.....hahaha....well....lets see how it goes....I'll try to add some pictures of my trip to KL and Bangkok....we'll see.....hahaha........=P

Well I went to KL and I of corse had to go to Mid Valley.....hahaha I really missed that place after the long while in Kuching.....=P hehehe.....and I met up with Gowri, Jeb, Chow and Bryan....haha...I unfortunately didn't get a picture of Bryan at work.....we went to visit him several times.....he kept chasing us away cuz his boss was there hahaha....and we weren't allowed to touch or mess anything up....unless we were going to help him clean up hahaha..... Then we tried to watch a movie....but failed cuz there were only 2nd row tickets....sigh..... so we ended up parking in front of the cinema with nothing to do.....hahhaa....then finally we decided to go to YoYo snack place to sit are some of our pictures....

Hehe....see Chow wanted to take a pretty pic of him self haha....=P

Since Kai boy was at some family lunch he only graced us with his presence at dinner...and actually he came after dinner.....hahaha.....=P at least he came lar....=) we had dinner at OUG plaza....the chinese restaurant....and smartly chow directed us to park like 2 blocks away from the place !!! and we ended up having to walk through a very wet, smelly, dark alley......eww.....hahaha.....And after all the talking and since Jeb was sick b4.....she lost her voice at the end of the evening.....=P poor jeb......=)

Since this is a kecoh blog.....thanks to Bryan's photography skill I can showcase some kecoh ppl in action.....No. 1.....Kai Kai boy....=)

Happy Gowri =)

Me and Bryan....=)

Me and Chow....=)

Cute cute Kai Boy enjoying his food.....hehehe =P

Me and Kai Kai =P

Gowri, me and Jeb =)

All of us after dinner.....

And here are some pictures from my Bangkok trip....Its not much cuz my stupid connection is soo slow....I'm working on getting broadband at home soon......=P

Our first meal in Bangkok....=P hehehe....

Me and a cute baby tiger at a tiger zoo in Pataya =)

Our tour group in fron of the tiger auntie, cuz, me, sis, mum and the young couple are newlyweds......=P

Me in the Thai costume...It was soo tight I could hardly sit....hahaha =P

I dunno why I can't turn the pic around....haha with one of the ah Kua's....pretty rite??? :P haha....=)

My sister, cuz and I on the speed boat to the paragliding place and Coral Island.... I am not a fan of speedboats.....=P

Well....I shall stop here lar....I'll post more another day....with pics of me in my uniform hahaha....=P I'll take some soon..since i'll be quitting in early dec....i've already handed in my resignation letter....need 1 months notice....=P well.....till then.....take care guys !!! =P *HuGzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz*