imtoosexyforyou(no relation to content)

2:56 am / Posted by lhf / comments (0)

Ah my virgin post. Bloody hell I’m so bored I decided to give blogging a go. To give you guys an idea about how bored I was today, I went to church. Yea, it was extremely enlightening too. Learnt loads about herding lost sheep and stuff. Apparently sheep in the uk often get lost in dark valleys and need guidance or something like that. Man bloody brainless sheep…bet our sheep in Malaysia could own uks sheep.

Anyway I was hesitant initially to go cause ive had bad experiences with churches. I remember going to one in kuching where the… Priest? Pastor? Aiyah where the main holy guy man who talks a lot tried to cleanse me with holy fire. I’m not shitting you…he was throwing some kinda invisible flame at us and everybody who got “burnt” would collapse writhing on the floor. And some off them were really crying…including my friend’s younger sister. Apparently the fire burns away your sins or something. If that were really true if he happened to ignite me with that bad boy I would’ve probably blown up and flattened the block. Anyway I started getting worried cos if he were to throw it at me I didn’t want to hurt his feelings by not falling down and flopping about in distress. Can you imagine how awkward that would’ve been?

Main holy guy man: *throw the FIRE!*
Me: *stare*
Main holy guy man: * throw more of the FIREEEEEEE!!!!!!*
Me: *cough cough* aiyah give you face la…ow…pain pain..stop please.

Anyway I was spared that cos he mustve seen the look on my face and realized if I didn’t go done screaming the rest might come to their senses and realize his fire isn’t very geng after all.

Eh crap running out of time. I have to catch the damn bus today cause my bro drove the car up to London. So it was either eat alone at home or go out in the freezing wet weather to catch the stupid bus all the way to the city. Eh..dunno why I chose the latter either. Its so cold these days your balls tend to shrink and attempt to take refuge back up in their abdominal sacs. Very uncomfortable. Exaggerating la, I’m just a wuss, cant tahan the cold.


Seelaw? (Siloh,siloh)

6:18 pm / Posted by moo / comments (0)

hellohello! since silly has forgotten her password this will be a combo post! apparently seelaw iso ur name now.. it even appears on our bills dammit.

silly: i'm psychic when i'm drunk!!!!!!muahahaha

look at all the nonsense i have to put up wif! save me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sillly:backside!!!...argh i wanna go maisons....roper hallsucks n most brit ppl can't dance...all the hopping n prancing around like red indians................... drivin me mad!!!

roper hall is THE happening place in preston btw! brit pop all the way whoooo
even i can dance like that! spice girls style! no squirming required! i miss zouk! n coming fr me that's something!

ps they SING spice girls here too!

ok. this post is getting prettty bimbotic! more to come when we have internet at home!
back to our knitting!


Finally the screamer has landed

4:09 pm / Posted by Marilyn / comments (0)

So after discovering that there is indeed a kecoh ppl blog and I have been out of touch for that long I finally found the Blogger invite for this blog in my Hotmail inbox (not on purpose mind you... I was busy deleting rubbish from my inbox accumulated over several weeks of neglect).

Here I am =)

First post from Ms. Van Wilder shall state that she has been in complete vegetative state - not working, not doing anything productive (aside from having tea and scones with Sam... hee hee! But that's another story altogether) and basically just eating my way through the days. It's heaven I tell you, although the days can get quite monotonous and meshed together so well I can never tell which day it is when the sun rises, assuming I rise when the sun is still up! So yes, I am a professional bummer at the moment with no goals in life whatsoever.

On more important things... I've got my medical tomorrow... and it's 230... which is way more than Jeb's and Bry's and Jee Ken's... am I being conned? Thing is I've called up a few clinics and they all say the same thing. Hmmm... all around 200 to 250... so strange. Does New Zealand need a whole lot more tests on my blood or something? Fussy sheep people.

I'm getting my hair cut on MONDAY!!! MUAHAHAHA!! I get such a fix just from getting my hair washed, conditioned, cut and blown... I'm addicted to saloon treatment! However, I do hope I don't come out all punked up. Haha. Look out for pictures on my blog soon... Good or bad you know I'll post about it anyway ;P

LINA! I went to Maison the other day... DJ Goldfish playing there now. He's not at Ghetto anymore. Haha! The place isn't so much a lounge really... dancefloor doesn't beat Zouk but it's nice in there and we should've gone the last time we could! =P Girls free all night Thursday. The crowd's actually quite good looking mostly. Next time la! Haha.


It's super having this blog together. Hopefully everyone does blog on a generally regular basis. Really saves all the trouble of making individual emails. Hehe... all the lazy people UNITE!

Love love love from the girl from lil' ol'Brunei turned quite the KL-ite

It's really a good place to be...

2:12 pm / Posted by Innanis Aeterna / comments (0)

Alone in Seremban~

6:56 pm / Posted by bran / comments (0)

Hullo ppls..

i actually had a very long post..but somehow or other it's anyways..i lazy to type everythign over again..but i'm alone in seremban..lingwei n racine went back to JB d..benshyen aka budak-gay-extreme has also gone back to subang..i'll be going up kl tmr to meet my parents then go back to ipoh for raya..SELAMAT HARI RAYA semua..

anyhow..don't think i'll be in kl for long..n not likely to be coming back during the break..but exams the week after maybe after that week we go up kl n visit u guys la..unconfirmed..will update..

aih..siennnnnn boring when ur alone..but when got a lot of ppl..also need some breathing space..humans are complex ah well..shall go back to downloading n reading comics..n maple story..haha..ciao guys..

-the ever youthful bran-

edit - this is for gowri..I"M SO SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY that i didn't wish u HAPPY DEEPAVALI!! <<<>

jibjab... =)

2:09 am / Posted by jebb @ lil' quiet / comments (0)

HARLO HARLO HARLO!!!!! its time for me to post somethin again!! teehee =)

hmmmm...okie let me tell u d story bout my blood test...not very fact..... not interesting at all...but since im free n bored n being called a lazy bugger....i shall drown u with my boring story...hee =)

First day, went to clinic1. Closed. Went to clinic2. Closed.
Second day, went to clinic1. The nurses wanted some forms n asked me alot of questions n not very polite. So off i go to clinic2. The doc wanted to see my offer letter. Pandai!! Forgot to bring. So couldn't get anything done. So geram! eeeeeeeeee!!!
THIRD day, went to clinic2. FINALLY got my blood tested! *griiin*
It was teeny weeeny bit painful...but not as bad as i had expected..heeeheee...was sooo scared b4 i went into the consultation room...felt like fainting..hehe...
thankfully the doc was reeeli nice. He could tell that i was nervous, n kept asking me to relax n asked alot of questions to distract me, n said tat i hav to do tis to patients next time too so i cant be scared! sooO malufying!! *blush*
but its all good!! got it done done done!!! can send in my application soon! yay! oh n since its raya n all, the lovely nurses decided to put mine under emergency case so tat i could get my results as soon as posible! how nice! hee =) ..........but bloody! they charged me RM170!!!!

The clinic bry went to charged him RM145! The one jee ken went to charged him RM85!!!!! n mine....i had to pay DOUBLE!!!! sigh.......maybe coz my blood is too precious, requires careful handling n all...tats y hav to pay so much..hmmm....yupp yupp i think so la....

Nuthin much happening lately, went to hartamas to look for The Dance Space with my friend today to sign up for...hmm....haven't really made up our minds yet...yogilates? belly dancing? salsa? breakdancing? wakakakaka...duno la....hehe..any suggestions?? but couldn't find the place n it was raining hippos n went home...later found out tat it is at plaza damas! heh! will go again next wk! hehe...

okie, till my next the sban ppl, when r u guys comin to visit me? come to kl more often la since there's deeparaya break n the uk ppl, blog more so tat we know wats happening over there k!! TAKE GREAT CARE OF URSELVES!! cheers~~~

XOXO with lotsa lotsa lotsa love,
jebb =)

HeLLo PeOpLe =)

12:49 am / Posted by Stephanie / comments (0)


Time for me to add some kecohness here....hahaha I finally have time to sit down in front of a computer and post something in.... =P Working life sucks....=P haha...Standing there smiling at all the guests even though they're horribly rude!!! Haha...for those who haven't heard yet...I'm working as a receptionist at Hilton Kch....=P We get 20% discount on cakes and stuff there....and they feed us one meal....but the food sucks....hahaha....its like chicken rice everyday....If I had to eat chicken rice outside my working time I think i'd scream !! hahaha.... And I work on its like either morning(7am-3pm) or afternoon shift(3pm-11pm).....The pay kinda sucks least I have something to do to past the time I guess.... =P As for those who wanted to see the uniform...I'm working on that...haven't brought a camera there yet....=P Will do soon....hahaha

Oh yeahh....I'm coming to KL on the 21st of October...=P hehehe will be there for around 4 days I think then going to Bangkok for a while and then back to Kch....Shopping here I come !!! hahaha I've been soo deprived in Kch.....hahaha....Hopefully I'll get to catch up with u guys!! I miss u all sooooooooooo much !!!!!!!!! hehehe.....The kecohness around me has decreased soooooooooooo much and I'm not used to it......hahahaha.....=)

Well...time to go first...I'll post more stuff next time larr....and add more pictures lar....the blog needs more colour and interesting stuff to look at....hahhaa.....

Take care everyone....=)

Love ya heaps!!!

Stef =)

look alike? no?

11:35 pm / Posted by Lil'Ling / comments (0)

hmm.. i was eating lou shi fan this afternoon.. then i suddenly.. 'lee keong joo.. look... opposite that girl... faster look la... ' hehe.. i find that girl sitting opposite table looks like amelia!!!! oh my.. hehe.. so i took a picture of her.. haha.. call me stalker.. ;) her side view looks exactly like amelia la.. hehe.. i gonna post de picture.. n u comment bout it la.. see whether i'm rite.. mayb i just miss amelia too much.. hahaha... *cough*.. okie... till de next post.. post something la ppl!!!!!!

i really tink she looks like amelia.. hehe.. sama kurus.. sama short hair.. ah moo prettier la.. hehe.. okie.. goodnite..

hangat-hangat tahi ayam

2:51 pm / Posted by Anonymous / comments (0)

pls hor...jangan post sikit sikit pas tu takde keep in touch lagi....mesti selalu update ya!muz keep d blog n our frenship alive!!!

me, lw n mich all diff least i c lw evry nite....but don c mich at all near yet so far...haha!!!

diwali night is coming....get 2 dance again...yay!!!but it wont b d same without u guys la...=(

i m doin surgery...tot i wud b super bz..but actually i m quite free...haha!!!at least last week i was super week i ll b super bz la...gotta go hosp at 730am evryday...poor me~ weekends r usually super boring...1 go out oso takde kaki...only lw n i don go out dat byk during d weekends oso la...hibernate n berkiasu at home..haha!!!anyway, yup..its boring in seremban...pple in overseas...pls update more...share ur happiness wid me!!!haha!!!

btw, i started ballet classes in seremban...learning wid a grp of budak kecik...haha!!!tinking of taking up another dance...any suggestions?

It's weekend.... n i'm stuck in Seremban..... i love Seremban

11:21 pm / Posted by Lil'Ling / comments (0)

okay... the time now is 11.15... hehe... pm... me n brandon stuck in seremban.. haha.. cos......

NO MONEY!!!!! hehe... spent it all b4 the end of the month... wow... so smart... ;) hmm... just went jusco... our most happening place in Seremban... we go there almost everyday... cos it's just behind our house.. drive... one minute la... walk... hmm.. i've never tried.. mayb that explain why lingwei is getting FATTER!!!!!!!!! oh my...i've to blame seremban food.. mayb leekeongjoo is another reason why... i follow him for breakfast lunch n dinner.. how exciting.. chee hong came out with the name makan king n queen... oh my.. hehe... hmm.. wat else.. oh.. i've only been to mamak twice... n that's for DINNER.. how pathetic is that... haha... haven been out for real mamak session yet... cause:-

  1. NO TEMAN!!! left me, rac n mich... all diff postings...
  2. Busy schedule... konon... hehe...
  3. healthy lifestyle.... wake up early n sleep early...
  4. no canggih mamak... miss azimal razim.. (correct spellin ah)
  5. still cracking my head to find the 5th cause.. hehe...

okay... tink.. that's all for now... moo n silly.. nice to hear from u guys.. i miss all of u... me n lee keong joo going out to watch ROB-B-HOOD now.. hehe.. finally get to watch... ;) till the next post...

bla.... lingwei...

tea n scones?

12:25 am / Posted by moo / comments (0)


aiyo wats wif all this hello hello-ing! put up some interesting posts la ppl!! im internet deprived so i have an excuse.. preston's damn boring anyway! tea n scones all the time.. i've taken up knitting too! how exciting. silly na is driving me nuts!! i want nasi lemak!!!!!!

In The Beginning...

12:04 am / Posted by Innanis Aeterna / comments (0)

The dreaded and Almighty 404 condescendingly told me 'The page you are looking for does not exist, bitch.'

Thank goodness for the Almightier REFRESH BUTTON.

Which of course brought me, as these things go, to where I am now, typing these very words you see. Such was its power.

In any case, we should have a better template. And music. And a chat box. And buttons, lots of shiny buttons.
You know, things that don't do anything but make a blog seem all the fancier and thus more likely to garner hits and swell the egos of its hypocritical author(s). Whee.

So anyway, unlikely as it is, hope everyone keeps writing things... and stuff. Cheers. Until next time!

Miss ya'all, if only for the lack of stomping material. =P
I jest, yew knows I wuvs joo! <3

Greetings from kepong!!! =)

6:54 pm / Posted by jebb @ lil' quiet / comments (0)

YO YO!!!

At looooong last!! We finally hav a blog!!! YAY!!!!

How's everybody?? miss everyone soooooooooooooo much!!!
Come come!! Submit more posts!! Tell us what u've been up to! Tune us in!!!

till my next post...............take care!!!

XOXO with lotsa lotsa lotsa love,

hello everyone!!!

6:41 pm / Posted by gowri / comments (0)

wow officially my first time blogging ever!hehe since its the first day of our blogs birth...i have to say something too:D miss the gang loads!!!!everyone must blog k?then only our super blog will berjaya..hehe ok la..u guys take care...ill post something exciting if something happens!:D

first post from seremban!!!!

6:39 pm / Posted by Lil'Ling / comments (0)

hi ppl... how's everybody?? hehehe...... dunno wat to blog about also... just trying out.. hehehe... okie... will post another more meaningful post next time.. hungry... go makan... =D see u ppl!!!!!
miss you ppl.... hehe..

First Post

6:11 pm / Posted by kecohppl / comments (1)

Hei peeps..

Finally our blog is up la. Try to keep posting and keep in touch ya.

Peace out. Love ya guys.
